Aidan Birhanu Miller Robinson

Monday, August 23, 2010


Okay, so I think I've caught everyone up to date (or at least myself). I need to figure out how to put pictures on here, so that my blog can be a bit more interesting. One final thing is to talk about the referral waitlist. We were officially put on the waitlist for a referral on 6/3/2010 when our revised dossier made it to Holt. We started off the process at around 35-40 (they didn't have an exact number to give us). We were told to check back in two weeks and they would be able to tell us more. I called on June 21st. We were told that we were number 28! On July 6th, Jennifer (one of the Ethiopian program staff members) emailed to tell us that we had moved up to 24. Yay! Unfortunately, the month of July brought no new referrals, so we stayed at 24 all month. On August 4th, we were told that we were number 21. Finally, and most exciting (since it was completely unexpected, we were told on August 16th) that we were number 12!!!!! Yay.

I just emailed Jennifer to tell her that I had faxed our 171H paperwork to her office and was told that we are still #12. I'm so excited!

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