Aidan Birhanu Miller Robinson

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Message of Hope

I have to tell you that I LOVE our adoption agency. Just a bit of information about Holt International for all of you that are interested. Holt International was founded more than 50 years ago by Harry and Bertha Holt who lived in a small rural town in Oregon. Through the news they learned of the plight of Korean orphans left homeless and parentless due to the Korean War. They first sent money, but soon realized that God was convicting them to do more. So Harry traveled to South Korea and brought back 8 Korean orphans to raise! Now if you can imagine 1954, there was no such thing as international adoption (Holt International is the first international adoption agency). What bravery this decision must have taken! Through the years, they helped to pass the first ever international adoption laws in our country.

Holt's primary mission is to work in countries around the world to PRESERVE families. Where they can, they help families by providing them with nutritious food and medical care, not to mention other resources. Only when it is necessary, do they place children with families overseas. This was one of the main reasons why Liam and I were drawn to Holt. We didn't want to be part of an organization that is primarily interested in money generated by international adoption, or as some corrupt adoption agencies have been guilty, money generated from the selling of children.

I've decided to dedicate a post each month to helping others learn more about this amazing organization (mainly through some of the videos that Holt has released). If you are interested in adoption (either domestic or international), please consider Holt International- you can click on the link at the top left-hand corner of my blog to go to their homepage. If adoption is not in your future, then there are wonderful sponsorship programs and other ways to give.

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