Aidan Birhanu Miller Robinson

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

I posted this video on my facebook the Sunday before last, because it was Orphan Sunday and (as I find myself doing more and more lately) because a friend posted it on theirs and it touched me. I love the song but had never heard the story behind it. Funny how one person can impact another.

So, after I posted it, another friend sent me a message that I HAD to check out the documentary that inspired the song. I went to that very day and bought a used copy. It arrived last night.

I watched it from beginning to end and it moved me so much. It's a call-to-arms to go out into the world and show God's love by serving other's in their time of need. The story follows Sara Groves, a Christian singer and songwriter, as she aids victims displaced in the days following Hurricane Katrina, as well as to Rwanda where she meets survivors of the genocide that occurred there more than 15 years ago. I'm telling you, buy, rent or borrow (you can have mine) this. I've even included the link here. Watch it. It will bring you to tears and leave you questioning what your purpose on Earth is and whether you have been fulfilling it. As one of the people that she meets along the way, says, "During autrocities, I used to ask where is God. I've ceased asking that question. Now I ask, 'Where are God's people?'"

Another wonderful and moving documentary that I bought a bit back is The Invisible Children. This is the story of Ugandan children who walk miles each night to the city center where they huddle together to avoid being kidnapped and forced to be child soldiers by the sectarian Lord's Resistance Army. It was because of this documentary and the work that Charity Gray and Watota are doing, that I was inspired to give, even if it is only a small amount each month.

As Sara Groves quotes Mother Teresa as saying, "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

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